Monday, March 10, 2025
  • POOL

    The Centralia Pool is located at 806 5th Street, Centralia KS 66415.
    The City Pool opens from May to August each year.

    Applications for the pool lifeguards found HERE.

    Hours of the pool are:

    Sunday - Friday : 1:00PM - 8:00PM

    Saturday : 1:00PM - 7:00PM

    Centralia Pool Phone Number: 785-857-3988

    Daily + Season Passes

    Children 4 years to 12 years are $2.00/day.
    Children 13+ years are $3.00/day.
    Single Season Pass is $40.00/person.
    Family Four Season Pass is $100.00. (Immediate Family Only)
    Add an additional member to Family Four Season Pass for $10.00/person.

    You can purchase Pool Passes at City Hall or during open hours at the Pool.

    GENERAL RULE: Any child 8 years old or younger or any child who can not swim across the pool unaccompanied MUST be ACCOMPANIED and SUPERVISED by a person 14 years or older at all times or the Lifeguards on duty can ask the child to refran from getting in the pool or leave the pool until an adult (14 years of age +) can arrive to accompany him/her.


    Hidden Park is located at 413 John Riggins Ave, Centralia KS 66415.
    This park has tennis courts, basketball courts and a large playground.

    If you would like to reserve the Shelter house for an activity, please call City Hall at 785-857-3764, cost to reserve is FREE.

  • 3rd Street Park is located at 600 3rd Street.

    Here there is a bench and space to play soccer, t-ball, tag or any other games!


    PHONE: 785-857-3331

    Monday 10:30AM to 7:00PM
    Tuesday CLOSED
    Wednesday 8:30AM to 2:00PM
    Thursday 8:30AM to 2:00PM
    Friday 8:30AM to 2:00PM & 4:00PM to 6:00PM
    Saturday 8:30AM to 12:00PM

    Library Card Information

    Your library card allows you to check out ten items at a time, but only two items may be movies. You must present his or her card to check out materials on someone's card that is not your own. (This includes family members.) All materials are checked out for three weeks (This includes movies.).
    An item may be renewed only once and then must be returned. If you have overdue materials, no new materials can be checked out until you have returned or renewed those overdue materials. This will mean that if your materials have been renewed once, no new materials will be available until the overdue materials have been returned. Even if you have only one overdue item, you will be unable to check out additional material until the overdue item is renewed (provided it has not been renewed previously) or has been returned.

    Donations to the Library

    The library will accept donations of books and movies with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of as the library determines is appropriate. Gifts that are not added to the collection will be placed on the spring book sale.
    If requested, the library will supply a letter listing the number of items donated. Gifts of items other than materials or money, not covered by written policies shall be considered by the librariean and the library board.
    The library reserves the privelege of using cash donations in a manner that will best serve the operation of the library and its service to patrons. If cash donations are made with requests for specific materials to be purchased, the Materials Selection and Collection Development Policy shall apply.


  • The Centralia Community Center is located at 106 John Riggins Ave, Centralia, KS 66415

    Interested in renting the Community Center, call City Hall at 785-857-3764.


    Weddings/All Day Functions          $650.00
    Wedding DEPOSIT                        $250.00
    Day before decorating                    NO CHARGE
    Add. day(s) to decorate                  $50.00/day

    Other Community Center Rentals:
    Dance/Dinner/Reception                $200.00
    Meeting/Shower/6 hours max        $150.00
    Add. hour rented                            $25.00/hour after 6 hours
    North Room (small) 4 hrs max      $125.00
    Add. hour rented                           $15.00/hour after 4 hours
    Auctions                                        $350.00
    Vendor Shows                               $250.00
    Table Rent                                     $5.00/table
    Chair Rent                                    $1.00/chair
    If the dance/reception is PRIVATE, an additional $150.00 is due.
    DEPOSIT for Other Comm Center Rentals: $75.00

    KEY: Can be picked up day of event from City Hall.

    The deposit for the rental MUST BE paid at the time of the booking. Deposit is NOT refundable upon cancellation and will be refunded if the facility that was rented passes the inspection after the event.


    Make Checks Payable to the Centralia Community Center.




    1. No smoking in the Community Building.

    2. Do not prop open any doors.

    3. Table and chairs are not to leave the building.

    4. All renters must furnish their own trashbags for the event they are holding.

    5. Nothing in the refridgerator is to be removed without permission from someone from PRIDE.

    6. If you use the Community Center towels, please wash and return as soon as you can.

    7. Do not use tape on the walls, only use push pins or ceiling clips.

    8. Shut off air conditioner/heat (including kitchen a/c), bathroom fans and all lights when you are leaving the Community Center.


    Reception Bar must be closed 1/2 hour prior to the dance. 
    Dances must wrap up and everyone must be out of the hall by 12:00AM.
    The rental party is responsible for the cleanup after the event and arranging tables for dance following the reception.
    *The rental party isn't responsible for cleanup if it is a dance. The PRIDE group will clean up following a dance.


    Visit USD 380 Centralia Website

    Visit Centralia Schools Facebook Page

    Visit Centralia School Alumni Website

    The Centralia school is part of USD 380 Frankfort - Vermillion - Centralia district.

    Preschool and Kinderprep programs are located in Vermillion.
    Kindergarten through 12th Grade programs are located in Centralia.

    Please contact the school to receive more information on enrolling and activities.
    Phone: 785-857-3324


    The Centralia Cemetery is located north of town on 92nd Road. 


  • Centralia Post Office

    The Centralia Post Office is located at 505 4th Street.
    Hours of operation:   Monday - Friday 8AM to 12PM
                                     Saturday 8:30-9:30AM
    Phone: 1-785-857-3580


    The City Brush Site is located at 1100 7th Street, Centralia KS 66415.
    This site is for BRUSH AND TREE LIMBS ONLY.

    Please do not throw any of the following materials into the burn site:
    1. Building or Demo Materials(boards, plywood, plasterboard, pallets or any metal)
    2. Boxes or Plastic Bags
    3. Furniture or Fencing
    4. Trash or Recycling

    Please use the trash service or county landfill for these items.
    This site is for residents of the City of Centralia only and not for out of town users.     

  • Centralia Ball Fields

    The Centralia Ball Fields are located at 505 Walnut Street, Centralia, KS 66415. Map it.

    The Centralia Ball Association runs the t-ball, baseball and softball teams for Centralia.

    To visit and follow the Facebook group, click HERE.
    To get on the Centralia Ball Email list, please send an email to 
    GOOGLE calendar link HERE.


    2025 Ball Season

    Click here to REGISTER your child for Softball, Baseball or T-Ball:

    The annual Ball Association meeting will be held: Sunday February 23rd at 6:30PM. The meeting is held at the Centralia Community Center

    Read the minutes from the 2025 Ball Meeting HERE.

    During this meeting the association will go over details from the prior season, the financial report, current projects, ad schedules, coaching, parent volunteers and important dates for the Centralia Ball Association. You can sign up your children for baseball, softball or t-ball during this time.
    If you are unable to make the meeting, please bring your ball sign up sheets to City Hall, located at 517 4th Street, Centralia, KS 66415.


    2025 Player Dues: $30.00 per player
    2025 T-Ball Dues: $5.00 per player


    Ads. If your business is interested in having your logo on our season poster, please contact 785-857-3764. Ads are $20 each. Due by April 30th of each year.
    The Centralia Ball Association is selling 4ft x 8ft metal signs that will be hung across the outfeild fence on the baseball and softball fields, please print and return form with payment if your business is looking to purchase an outfield sign.


    Home Ump pays $200/night
    Field Ump pays $95/night


    FIELD MARKING. The City of Centralia works up and marks the ballfields every gameday.


    BALL FIELD CLEAN UP DAYS 2025: Please contact Dustin Walters to be placed on a notification list for clean up/construction days.


    MEAT MAKING DAY 2023: ___________________ at School
    Shift #1: 4:00PM to 5:30PM
    Shift #2: 5:30PM to END


    2025 League Tournaments

    Softball: Girls League President – Axtell
    Wee Pee Tourney – ______
    Pee-Wee/Jr High/High School Tourney – Axtell
    See the 2025 Softball Schedule HERE.

    Baseball: Boys League President – Kelly
    Wee Pee Tourney - ________________
    Pee-Wee/Little League Tourney – Axtell
    Pony League Tourney – __________________
    See the 2025 Baseball Schedule HERE.


    2025 Concession Stand Schedule HERE.
    2025 Score Board Schedule HERE.
    2025 Umpire Schedule HERE.


    2025 Coaches

    Wee-Pee Softball Coach

    Tyler Glatczak

    Pee-Wee Softball Coach

    Austin Petry 

    Jr High Softball Coach

    Brent Alverson 

    High School Softball Coach

    Miah Hipp

    2023 T-BALL COACH (Wednesdays in June)


    Wee-Pee Baseball Coach

    Tyler Hiltibrand 

    Pee-Wee Baseball Coach

    Dustin Walters 

    Little League Baseball Coach

    Jay Gibbs

    Pony League Baseball Coach

    TBD if we have a team


    CONTACT INFORMATION for the Ball Association:
    Baseball Contact: Jay Gibbs
    Softball Contact: Lindsey Koch
    Concession Stand Contact: Michelle Petry
    Treasurer/Secretary: Janel Huninghake

    2025 End of Season 

    Thank you to all of our SPONSORS, we couldn't have the season we do without YOU!!