Wednesday, March 26, 2025


    All dogs and cats within the city limits shall be licensed.

    Licenses are due in January of each year and can be purchased at the City Office.

    Starting 01/01/2024, all animal permits are FREE.

    Proof of Rabies vaccination is required at time of registration. 

    New pets should be licensed as soon as they are brought into city limits.

    If you're animal is not registerd by March 1st, a $50 FINE will be added to the animal registration.

    Owners of animals must realize there are leash laws and barking laws that your animal must follow or you will receive a notice from the City. The fines for these offenses vary by definition in the City code.


    BUILDING PERMIT is required to be filled out and approved by the Centralia Council before any project can be started with the Centralia City Limits.
    If your lots fall inside a FLOOD PLAIN, you must obtain a permit from the state before filling out our building permit.

    Fill out and bring the completed permit to City Hall and once approved, a copy will be sent to the resident via mail.
    There are ordinances that list the requirements any new building whether it is a house, garage, fence or addition need to follow.

    If you have any questions, call City Hall at 785-857-3764.


    If you have an issue with a person, place or animal in town, please call City Hall at 785-857-3764.
    The City Clerk can help you fill out a citizen complaint if warrented.
    You may fill out the Citizen Complaint form and send it to City Hall, P.O. Box 247, Centralia, KS 66415.
    All complaints will be investigated by the City Code Enforcement Officer.


    You may register to vote at the Nemaha County Clerks Office located at 607 Nemaha Street, Seneca, KS 66538.

    Voting occurs in Centralia at the Centralia Area Community Building located at 106 John Riggins Avenue, Centralia, KS 66415.

    Listing of positions open during election years:

    YEAR               POSITION OPEN FOR ELECTION               

    2025                (3) Council Members

    2027                (2) Council Members (1) Mayor

    2029                (3) Council Members

    2031                (2) Council Members (1) Mayor

    2033                (3) Council Members

    2035                (2) Council Members (1) Mayor

    2037                (3) Council Members

    2039                (2) Council Members (1) Mayor

  • The City of Centralia requires all property owners to fill out a demolition permit if/when they are taking down a structure that has a foundation and/or hooked up to utilities.

    This permit is like a building permit, the information in the permit will help the city make sure all utilites are disconnected correctly.

    If you are planning on demolishing or moving a house, garage, building or structure inside city limits, please fill out the demo permit. 


Important Numbers

For All Emergencys call 911
Centralia Fire Department call 785-857-3516
Centralia Post Office call 785-857-3580
Non-Emergency Police call 785-336-2311
Kansas Gas Services 800-794-4780
Blue Valley Telephone 877-876-1228
KS Dig- Safe 811